Intern Introductions – Helen Sturm

Intern Introductions - Helen Sturm

I have so enjoyed learning about my fellow interns (more to come…) but I figured it was time for me to introduce myself as the author of this series! Though my senior year was cut short in a devastating way, I have had time in quarantine to reflect on how the gallery introduced a strong passion for the art world in my own life, and I now hope to always advocate for the arts (and the Van Every/Smith!) in some capacity. Further, I will forever be grateful to Lia, Elizabeth, David, Katie, Tyler, etc. who helped make the VAC a permanent home for me at Davidson. Without further ado, here is my short interview!

Name: Helen Sturm .

Hometown: Brunswick, Maine.

Major/minor: Art history major with a minor in anthropology.

Why did you intern in the gallery?: I want to work in a museum one day, so I was searching for real art-world experience while still in college. Thankfully, I gained that and so much more!

What has been your favorite memory from your job?: I loved installing all of the student work in the spring showcase, as I got to learn how a show is set up while appreciating all of the talented student artists we have at Davidson. It was also a surreal experience to install my own painting!

Do you plan to pursue anything in the arts post-grad? If not, what are your plans?: I hope to pursue a master’s in museum studies or curation, and after that I want to work in a big museum!

Favorite artist/work and why?: The Palace at 4 a.m. by Alberto Giacometti. Even though abstract painting is usually what I am drawn to, I (unexpectedly) cried when I saw this piece on a field trip to New York with the art history department (with my advisor Professor Larry Ligo!)

Hobbies?: I love to paint and also I make a ton of spotify playlists as I am very passionate about music. Also yoga!

Little known fact about you?: I spent last summer in Oxford, UK completing a course in museum studies, and then I stayed in the UK for the rest of the summer visiting museums and studying art history!

And finally, if you could have a meal with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?: Kanye West, just so I could see how his creativity and thought-process work!