Seen in Storage: Olivia Crumm

The World is Breathing

Olivia Crumm (American)
The World is Breathing, 2017
HD video
Gallery Purchase

Olivia Crumm uses her camera to capture the radiance in subjects some may deem too wearisome to photograph. She was born in Westchester, New York, and received a B.A. in photography from Bard College in 2017. The artist seems to be intrigued by skin as many of her photographs highlight the different features of skin. While her earlier works are in black and white, Crumm has begun to play with muted colors. Currently, she is based in Brooklyn, New York.

Crumm has the unique ability to unearth beauty from the mundane. The Word is Breathing is a video featuring a series of slow-moving long video shots that subtly move from the ordinary to the sublime. Initially, these shots are almost unappealing, dreary, and dull. As time passes, however, Crumm captures the sunlight casting down, revealing something more that lures you in. The shots are mesmerizing, and while viewing her work, your breath slows and you become keenly aware of the slightest changes. The wall you thought was a dull gray reveals itself as a dark seafoam. The deer that was once just brown and dead is now auburn and nearly extant. Just as Crumm had to be patient and still to capture these moments, her audience must also be to appreciate its elegance.

Michaela Gibbons ’22

Olivia Crumm, The World is Breathing, 2017, digital video