New Intern Introduction – Molly Smith

Molly Smith '24

Name and hometown?
Hey! I’m Molly from Nashville, Tennessee.

Class year and major/minor?
I’m a first-year, and don’t know what to major in yet. 

Did you do anything this summer or during quarantine related to the arts?
I’ve worked at an art studio for the past two years as an assistant teacher. Taking precautions, we were able to host art class camps this past summer.

Why were you interested in interning with the galleries?
I am always seeking out museums. I think studying art helps me empathize with people.

What role does art play in your life as a Davidson student? Do you see art playing a role in your life post-Davidson?
I could try to block it out, but art always finds a way of seeping through the cracks and reminding me of how little I know. 

Favorite sculpture on campus and why?
Other than the Rodin? I love the Patrick Dougherty mixed hardwoods piece. It’s definitely a maze for someone with bad navigational skills!

I like to expand my palette for spicy foods any chance I get. Music is also cool. 

Little known fact about you?
In middle school, I memorized Eminem’s “Rap God” and still haven’t figured out how to forget it.

If you could have a meal with anyone dead or alive who would it be and why?
Henry VIII. He was a problematic dude to say the least, but I’d get quite the meal out of it.