Intern Introductions – Kaikai Wang

Intern Introductions - Kaikai Wang

Start your week by meeting our last intern, first-year Kaikai Wang! Though we are sad to end the semester remotely, we can’t wait to see most of you in the fall. Without further ado, meet Kaikai!

Home: China.

Major/Minor: Undecided, maybe studio art major and econ minor.

Why did you intern in the gallery?: Because I love art!

What has been your favorite memory from your job?: I think all of the tasks I got were interesting! I was always doing things I hadn’t done before.

DO you plan to pursue anything in the arts post-grad? If not, what are your plans?: I think so?

Favorite artist/work and why?: I like Paul Gauguin! His artworks about Tahiti have the best colors.

Hobbies?: Photography, working out, reading, and travelling.

Little known fact about you?: I love exploring!

And finally, if you could have a meal with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?: Bertrand Russell. He is my favorite philosopher and I think he has the greatest wisdom.