Intern Introductions – Elizabeth Miller

Intern Introductions - Elizabeth Miller

We hope you are enjoying the first weekend in May! Where I am writing this, it is currently 55 degrees and sunny, so Maine is definitely welcoming spring. Below, read our short interview with senior intern Elizabeth Miller, who brings experience with environmental studies and anthropology to her job with the Van Every / Smith! We miss you, Elizabeth.

Hometown: Asheville, NC.

Major/Minor: ENV major, ANT minor.

Why did you intern in the gallery?: I became passionate about engagement with art on campus after taking a course on “Art, Activism, and the Environment” with Dr. Garcia Peacock and after writing a perspective on the Video Wall.

WHat has been your favorite memory from the job?: Townspeople visiting sometimes give me life advice and recommend artists to me!

Do you plan to pursue anything in the arts post-grad? If not, what are your plans?: Jury is still out.

Favorite artist/work and why?: Yayoi Kusama. I love her installation art.

Hobbies?: Hosting trivia, DJing a WALT show, crocheting, embroidery.

Little known fact about you?: My dog has 6 toes on one of her paws.

And finally, if you could have a meal with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?: Michael Cera, for obvious reasons.