Intern Introductions – Alice Berndt

Intern Introductions - Alice Berndt

We continue to interview our wonderful interns by talking with Alice Berndt! Keep reading to learn about her art historical inspirations, favorite gallery experiences, and how the Davidson art department has impacted her life.

Hometown: Maplewood, New Jersey

Class year: Sophomore

Major and Minor: English major and Art History minor

Why did you intern in the gallery?: I love learning about and being around art, and I wanted to get more involved in visual arts at Davidson. Because I’m not actually an artist myself, interning in the galleries seemed like a great way to do that.

What has been your favorite memory from your job?: On the day of the Baik Art Residency opening last semester, I was in the gallery along with a few other interns helping Tintin Wulia finish up her paintings. All we were doing was filling in letters with white paint, but it was nerve-wracking because I’m not a painter at all and didn’t want to mess anything up!

Do you plan to pursue anything in the arts post-grad? If not, what are your plans?: Right now I’m interested in pursuing a career in the Publishing industry, but I would also love to work in a museum or art gallery at some point, so I will definitely keep that option open.

Favorite artist/work and why?: Last semester I went to NYC with my Art History class (Dr. Ligo’s An Explosion of “Isms”) and I got the chance to see Gustav Klimt’s “The Woman in Gold” at the Neue Gallery. Seeing this painting on a screen or in print is nothing compared to seeing it in person. The texture, color, and 3D quality of the painting is so much more prominent in real life. Seeing this piece in New York helped me to appreciate the importance of seeing pieces of art that I’ve studied in class in person whenever possible.

Hobbies?: Photography, writing, reading, binge watching tv shows, yoga!

Little known fact about you?: I’m studying abroad at King’s College in London next semester!

And finally, if you could have a meal with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?: If we’re talking about artists, I’d say Suzanne Valadon. I wrote a paper last semester about her depictions of both male and female nudes and what her intentions were with them, and I’d love to know if my theory is right! In terms of people in general, I’d love to pick Jane Austen’s mind — I think she was a brilliant writer and I’d like to be friends with her.