Intern Intro Series: Experiences Abroad

Alexandra Zirinis

This past summer, the interns of the Davidson College Art Galleries explored all around the country and the world. Two long-time interns, Helen Sturm ’20 and Alexandra Zirinis ’20 travelled across the Atlantic Ocean, spending their summers in the United Kingdom.

Helen, an Art History major who hopes to one day be a museum curator, pursued a museum studies program offered by the University of Oxford. She was lucky enough to visit a plethora of British museums and galleries, including the Tate Modern, the Tate Britain, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Ashmolean Museum, and the Royal Academy of Arts. Helen already has one year of experience at the Davidson College Art Galleries under her belt, and we are grateful that she is returning for a second year after such an enriching summer!

Looking back, Helen describes setting up the student art show last year as her favorite experience in the galleries. Looking forward, she hopes to enroll in a Curatorial or Art History graduate program after graduating this spring – perhaps even venturing to the United Kingdom again for her graduate work!

Alexandra, or Allie, is an English major and History minor. Taking her writing skills across the pond, she interned with the London publishing company Phaidon. Specifically, she was an editorial intern on their architecture and design team. An art-infused but writing-focused summer was fitting for Allie as an English major with two years of gallery intern experience! Unsurprisingly, she describes her true passion as combining art and writing, which she pursues independently on her blog.

Looking back, Allie noted how the blog did not exist when she started interning at the galleries during her sophomore year! She’s excited to see it grow this year. Looking forward, Allie could see herself working at a gallery, art publishing firm, or even an art advisory firm after graduating from Davidson.

With Helen and Allie back in the United States for the time being, everyone at the Davidson College Art Galleries is excited to see how they spend their final year on campus, and we wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors – art-related or otherwise!