Amending The Soil: Compost for Art

Unshadowed Land by Nicholas Galanin is an outdoor sculpture exhibition on the Belk Visual Arts Center’s lawn that was created during the 2021 fall semester by students, staff, and community members. The sculpture is a site of exposed soil in the shape of the shadow of the monument of Andrew Jackson that is currently standing in Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C.

On February 10, 2022, community members, students, staff, and members of the Catawba Nation came together to take the next step for the installation: amending the soil. The next goal is to transition the site into a garden, planting Catawba corn in Jackson’s silhouette in late April 2022. In preparation for that, we sought to create a nutrient-rich foundation for the corn to be able to thrive. More details about the meaning behind the entire restoration can be found here.

Read more about the composting workshop on The Davidsonian‘s website, the principal student-run news source of Davidson College, here.

Claire Begalla ‘24 (she/they)