Alumni Highlight – Marin Florence Williams ’16

This week alum Marin Florence Williams ’16 shared with us her exploration in the arts industry and how her years in Davidson have prepared her for this journey.

Marin is finishing her last semester towards a dual master’s in Art History and Art Administration at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a focus on modern and contemporary art. Her journey exploring the art industry after graduation started with a position in museum education at The Phillips Collection and Smithsonian American Art Museum, both located in Washington, D.C.

Marin recalled that it was in the classroom of Painted Women, Women Painting, instructed by Dr. Nina Serebrennikov, when she first truly felt her passion for the arts. It was the spring of her freshman year at Davidson. She remembered sitting in the Humanities seminar, googling what jobs in the arts can actually provide a living, and the position as a museum curator came into her vision, providing an entry to imagine a career in the arts. A study abroad trip to Shanghai became a turning point that eventually led to her interest in contemporary art. While also showing some interest in art law, Marin was later convinced that it wasn’t the best fit after meeting some alums in the industry. In her last year at Davidson, she discovered her passion for working with kids through an internship at Davidson College Presbyterian Church Preschool and pursued museum education right after graduation.

Through a connection with a Davidson alum, whom she knew from Prof. Cort Savage’s sculpture class, Marin landed on an internship at The Phillips Collection. After three years of work experience in museum education at several institutions, Marin found herself curious for new challenges and then entered graduate school.

Besides The Phillips Collection and Smithsonian American Art Museum, Marin has also worked at the MacArthur Foundation and Site Galleries. In the following video, Marin recalled her experiences at these institutions and shared with us some differences. (18:36 – 25:18)

At the end of our interview, Marin also provided some advice for current Davidson students. She addressed how as a student at Davidson, an institution with its strength in scientific works, she felt pressured by the idea that the arts may not be as rewarding. But through interning in the Van Every/Smith Galleries and learning from the Gallery Director/Curator Lia Newman, she found that working in the arts is, in fact, a very enriching career that doesn’t have to be replaced by something “more serious.” (26:35- 31:02)

Special thanks to Marin Florence Williams for taking the time to speak to the Davidson College Van/Every Smith Galleries. To those interested, you can reach out to Marin through Davidson Connect.